Thursday, 14 July 2011

process vs. goal? developmental or personality-based?

When does a kid go from enjoying a game because it is simply fun to play, to enjoying a game, because he may win? Is it developmental? Or is it a personality thing?

I was in Spain last week with a wonderful family with two 6-year-old twins. I let our hosts have a date-night and took care of the gang of four. When we were playing green-light/red-light, Lucas (2 and a half) was ecstatic even though he was clueless about what was going on, or what the point of the game was. He was just excited at being included, that mommy was there, etc. The 6-year-old on the other hand - who is by the way the best-behaved boy I have ever seen in my life - was really upset if he didn't win. He was rule-master and saw cheating and unfairess everywhere. Sebastian tried to win, but understood that he wasn't always fast enough. And that seemed to be okay.

So... developmental? Personality? Karma?

indispensable mothers

I have been bedridden and sick for 2 days. And the house is breaking down. Abuelita is starting her "No one ever takes care of me" guilt-tripping, daddy is feeling the symptoms and taking it on the kids and me (and this is compounded with a rough few weeks in his business).

I just need to get better, so I can get back to doing it all, withstanding it all, and catering to everyone's needs. It is both an honour and a calvary, this motherhood thing. What pride to know how strong we mothers can be. What a pain in the ass that no one really appreciates, understands, or cares. Motherhood is the oldest profession. The most under-appreciated. The most misunderstood. The most powerful because of this all.

I love antibiotics right now.